Saturday, October 22, 2016

Level Design: Week 02 Mincraft-ish Level


For this project wanted to try and build the floating island chain Yafutoma from Skies of Arcadia. In doing so I wanted to figure out why they laid out the connections between each island in the way they did.

Minecraft Reference: 

For water, grass and floating

Starting block and textures:

For the Planks I adjusted the colors in Unreal for the two roof tile blocks.

 Island Building:

When building this time I made use of grouping and it made building up the level go more smoothly.
Also from talking with Hannah and Jordan I decided to turn off the the water cubes colliders and added fence posts respectively.

Final Level:

While working on the level I gained an appreciation for how the game guided the player through each island and how it tied into the culture of that nation in the world. By having all visitors land in the bay they are forced to walk up winding paths to reach each island, the home of the ruler being the furthest away. By building two of the islands I was able to better understand why each island was in its own scene as well. Since building two in this one cause long light build times and saving. However is was exciting to try and build a minecraft-ish version of the islands

Playing through: 

1 comment:

  1. Very nice documentation, great job making the gameplay video. Just look out for Z fighting.
